Umbria, the Green Heart of Italy
Umbria and its scents, and its hills. Umbria is art and colours, blended into a single wonderful land, Umbria is the green heart of Italy.
The Umbria Region preserves many historical and cultural traditions that have helped write Italy's history. Consider the events associated with the man from Assisi who revolutionized Christianity in the Middle Ages and became Saint Francis (patron saint of Italy); consider the long tradition of fabric merchants who regard this as a privileged location; and consider the Umbrian food and wine traditions passed down from generation to generation. Not to mention the breathtaking natural vistas that, every time you glance at the horizon, appear to be a painting painted by a perfect artistic hand.
Here are some of the most evocative places in this region that we will discover together next year.
Umbria is Assisi, with the church of S. Chiara and the medieval village perched next to the castle. The hand of Saint Francis is placed right on that hill and the magic of that place is intense, absolute, when you enter the church where he is buried. The air you breathe in this place is inexplicable, magical, capable of overwhelming all visitors without discrimination.
Umbria is Gubbio…. the largest Christmas tree in the world that the municipality of Gubbio sets up along the entire ridge of the surrounding mountain.
Then there is Perugia with its mysterious corners and its places to spend evenings with friends. Perugia is Palazzo dei Priori and Fontana Maggiore, it is Euro Chocolate (chocolate trade fair) and Umbria Jazz (unmissable international music event).
Let's not forget Orvieto with the famous Duomo, a magnificent construction from 1263, the most important architectural testimony of the city, with its splendid Gothic façade and the richness of the decorations and internal chapels.
The Orvieto Cathedral
Spoleto, unforgettable for those lucky enough to visit these places will be the entire complex of the Cathedral built in the 12th century. and characterized not only by the richness of the interior furnishings, but also by the Byzantine mosaics of its façade, and the Romanesque church of Sant' Eufemia.
Umbria is much more, let’s discover together....
Arrivederci Mic e Simo