Searching for your Italian Roots

The IT.A.CA. ( ITaliani A CAsa “Italians at home”) Project by Michael A.

Family history is more than just names and dates!

There's a lot more to learn and discover about what's behind the stories your Italian Nonna told you as a child.

Since your Italian ancestors settled in the United States, Italia has been what has made you and your family unique and proud today of your culture and traditions, and even though you speak little Italian, you still practice the same "habits" Nonna and Mamma did. You make your own tomato sauce, fresh handmade pasta, and other dishes.

So why not plan a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Italy to reconnect with your ancestors?

We travel slowly to Italy, in small groups only, in spring and fall, but if you wish, we can also plan your dream trip with you and for you.

Arrivederci Mic & Simo


Milano’s Fashion District


Exploring the Quieter Corners of Italy